Gathr Screening Kit
Welcome to your step-by-step guide to crowdsourcing a screening of Return to Homs.
Return to Homs has partnered with Theatrical On DemandSM film distribution service, Gathr Films, to allow individuals like you the opportunity to book Return to Homs into your local movie theater! Share the film with your local community, create a dialogue and help raise awareness. Your support will help spread the word about the film, and help it's message reach new audiences. This is your chance to become part of something important!
After you submit a request on Gathr, you’ll become the movie “captain” and receive your own personal screening webpage where all of your friends can easily reserve tickets to the film.
1. Get started - find a screening near you!
Take a look at the map below to see if Return to Homs is already scheduled in your community by entering your city on the map below:

2. Sign up to GATHR!
If nothing is close by, then simply GATHR your own Theatrical screening. If you're not interested in being the host, then sign up to be notified when someone else schedules one.
3. Promote your screening!
Once your request has been approved, you’ll get an email confirming you as a Captain for Return to Homs and you’ll get a link to begin promoting your screening.
Screening toolkit:
Wherever you’re holding your screening – here are some useful tools to make sure you have a full house and a special night:
The Big Night: